Share Your Big Idea (or Comment)

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Do you have a mind-blowing idea that could make the City of Rehoboth Beach an even better place to live and visit? Even if your great idea is a little one, we want to hear from you. Maybe you simply have a general comment or suggestion that you want to be sure is passed along to the appropriate staff member or elected officials. You can post your idea or comment on the idea board here. City staff will provide feedback and others can comment, share, or "love" your idea/comment. In addition, ideas and comments posted to this page will be shared with elected officials via a written report submitted as an agenda support document for each month's Board of Commissioners meeting.

Remember, you'll need to register to Reach Out Rehoboth to share ideas and comments.

Do you have a mind-blowing idea that could make the City of Rehoboth Beach an even better place to live and visit? Even if your great idea is a little one, we want to hear from you. Maybe you simply have a general comment or suggestion that you want to be sure is passed along to the appropriate staff member or elected officials. You can post your idea or comment on the idea board here. City staff will provide feedback and others can comment, share, or "love" your idea/comment. In addition, ideas and comments posted to this page will be shared with elected officials via a written report submitted as an agenda support document for each month's Board of Commissioners meeting.

Remember, you'll need to register to Reach Out Rehoboth to share ideas and comments.

  • Ordinance for light control

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    An ordinance is needed in the residential district to disallow lights that shine into neighbors' bedroom windows from being left on all night.

    Staff feedback:

    Your idea will be shared with commissioners via a monthly report of all ideas and comments posted to this site. If you'd like to encourage commissioners to consider an amendment to the current code, you may also want to bring this to their attention via a letter, email to the city secretary, or a presentation at a public meeting.

  • Electric Vehicles

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    As the city retires vehicles it will be ideal to replace them with electric vehicles that are quieter and have no exhaust fumes.

    City Feedback:

    Thank you for your suggestion. I've shared your idea with our assistant city manager and public works director. We'll also share all ideas received with commissioners via a monthly report.

  • No electric or gas motorized vehicles on boardwalk

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    No electric or gas motorized vehicles on boardwalk

    Staff Feedback:

    Thank you for your suggestion. It will be shared with commissioners via a monthly report.

  • Crushers Parking/Garbage Area

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    Plant a natural wall or a fence to separate the parking lot/garbage area of Crushers from the sidewalk along Lake. This will discourage cars from turning around in that lot (which is mostly what the lot is used for when the restaurant is closed), make the street more attractive for driving into town and walking past and most importantly be safer for pedestrians walking along the sidewalk/parking, especially little ones who can now easily dart between parked cars. Isn’t it code to separate parking from sidewalk anyway? The other restaurants (ex. Stingray pic attached) and the hotels (ex. Hotel Rehoboth pic attached) around Rehoboth have fencing or shrub buffers between sidewalk and parking lot. Why not Crushers??

    Staff feedback:

    Such a planting certainly could be attractive, however, it would need to be planted on the Crushers' property as the width of the sidewalk in that area cannot be reduced. Also, I shared your suggestion and comments with our code enforcement office, and they indicate that there currently is not a code that requires any type of boundary between a parking lot and sidewalk.

    Our inspector added: "We do currently have a code in place regarding storage or refuse in commercial areas. § 270-27 states that in C-1, C-2 and C-3 Districts all refuse storage areas and refuse containers shall be screened from public view with an acceptable screen material, including wood, lattice, fine-mesh fencing, plantings, or other suitable material erected in conformance to all building and zoning codes... Unfortunately, the area between the sidewalk and dumpster on that property is directly behind the lot’s street access, so even if they were to build a barrier of some kind, we would still have sight of the dumpster area."

    Your idea will be shared with commissioners via a monthly report. If you'd like to encourage commissioners to consider an amendment to the current code, you may want to bring this to their attention via a letter, email to the city secretary, or a presentation at a public meeting.

  • Pave a walkway along south side of upper portion of Lake Gerar

    Share Pave a walkway along south side of upper portion of Lake Gerar on Facebook Share Pave a walkway along south side of upper portion of Lake Gerar on Twitter Share Pave a walkway along south side of upper portion of Lake Gerar on Linkedin Email Pave a walkway along south side of upper portion of Lake Gerar link


    Pave a walkway along south side of upper portion of Lake Gerar (the grassy knoll between the water and Olive Ave). New path highlighted in yellow in picture would connect to sidewalk along the Lake along Virginia Ave…it could even connect to the little park (Cranberry Park) where Olive, Maryland, Lake and 3rd meet.

    Staff feedback:

    I have shared your suggestion with our public works and parks department. Your idea also will be shared with commissioners via a monthly report about ideas offered via Reach Out Rehoboth.

  • Library

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    Keep our library in town providing full service on all 3 lots.

    Staff Feedback:

    The decision about what kinds of services to be provided by the library moving forward is ultimately the decision of the library board. The library is not managed by the city, though the city does provide limited annual funding and, of course, has significant interest in maintaining library services in the city. At its workshop meeting November 6, the Board of Commissioners will discuss a request from the library to modify deed restrictions related to the parcel donated by the city for use as a library. Your suggestion also will be shared with commissioners via a monthly report.

  • Shuttle on Hebron Road

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    A reliable shuttle service on Hebron Rd would help people living near Church St. That will cut down on traffic into town.

    Staff Feedback:

    Your idea will be shared with our traffic & parking consultants as well as elected officials via a monthly report on ideas generated.

  • Sidewalks

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    While we are looking parking options and brining more pedestrians into town, I feel we need to look at installing sidewalks on 3rd St

    Sidewalks in the Pines - Italian Park to Columbia Ave

    Staff Feedback:

    Your suggestion will be shared with our traffic & parking consultants as well as our public works department.

  • Encourage the use of electric golf carts

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    Maybe set aside a few blocks of parking just for golf carts. They take up less space than cars.

    Staff Feedback:

    We will share your suggestion with our traffic & parking study consultant as well as elected officials.

  • Moratorium on demolition and construction of new buildings in residential areas

    Share Moratorium on demolition and construction of new buildings in residential areas on Facebook Share Moratorium on demolition and construction of new buildings in residential areas on Twitter Share Moratorium on demolition and construction of new buildings in residential areas on Linkedin Email Moratorium on demolition and construction of new buildings in residential areas link


    For the past decade, our residential areas have suffered from a constant stream of demolitions and construction, resulting in noise and parking problems, as well as conversion of our neighborhoods from middle class Delmarva beach paradise to upscale McMansion clusters. Give us a break!

    Staff Feedback:

    Thank you for your comment. We will share it with commissioners via a monthly report as well as with our traffic & parking study consultant.

Page last updated: 05 Aug 2024, 03:30 PM