Share Your Big Idea (or Comment)

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Do you have a mind-blowing idea that could make the City of Rehoboth Beach an even better place to live and visit? Even if your great idea is a little one, we want to hear from you. Maybe you simply have a general comment or suggestion that you want to be sure is passed along to the appropriate staff member or elected officials. You can post your idea or comment on the idea board here. City staff will provide feedback and others can comment, share, or "love" your idea/comment. In addition, ideas and comments posted to this page will be shared with elected officials via a written report submitted as an agenda support document for each month's Board of Commissioners meeting.

Remember, you'll need to register to Reach Out Rehoboth to share ideas and comments.

Do you have a mind-blowing idea that could make the City of Rehoboth Beach an even better place to live and visit? Even if your great idea is a little one, we want to hear from you. Maybe you simply have a general comment or suggestion that you want to be sure is passed along to the appropriate staff member or elected officials. You can post your idea or comment on the idea board here. City staff will provide feedback and others can comment, share, or "love" your idea/comment. In addition, ideas and comments posted to this page will be shared with elected officials via a written report submitted as an agenda support document for each month's Board of Commissioners meeting.

Remember, you'll need to register to Reach Out Rehoboth to share ideas and comments.

  • Have employees, committee members walk the town

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    Actually have employees/committee members that walk the town, know the shops, participate in activities so they can sea the issues first han[d]

    Staff Feedback:

    Thank you for your comment. Please know that city staffers and elected and appointed officials do frequently get out on foot in the community.

  • Low Cost/Free In-town Shuttle Service

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    Providing a shuttle service that will serve the areas between Rt 1/Canal and the Beaches/Downtown. A lot of downtown parking congestion is caused by people living within the city limits but just a LITTLE too far to walk to/from the beaches/downtown areas multiple times a day. This would help free up parking for others.

    Staff Feedback:

    Thank you for your suggestion. We will share it with our parking study consultant as well as elected officials via a monthly report on ideas generated through Reach Out Rehoboth.

  • Trash deposit

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    It would be great to have a trash deposit for those of us not generally here on trash pickup days.

    Staff Feedback:

    I checked with the public works director to see if the city has such a service - we do not. Apparently, offering such a service requires meeting many solid waste regulations.

    Perhaps a neighbor would be willing to assist? The city offers a valet service for an additional annual charge; private services also are available.

    While the city doesn't accept dropped-off trash, it does allow residents to drop off recycling and yard waste at at 37540 Oyster House Road. Hours are 9 am-1 pm Monday, Friday, and Saturday. Proof of city residence or a current city business license must be provided.

  • More dog waste trash bins

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    This is a simple fix and would be appreciated by all dog owners and residents. It's frustrating as a home owner when others leave their dog waste in a trash can that belongs to a city resident. Those 95 gallon cans are hard enough to clean without dog waste stuck to the bottom.

    Staff feedback:

    As you may know, the city installed three additional dog waste stations and bins - in Grove Park and around Lake Gerar - this year. Your suggestion has been shared with staff members responsible for public works and parks and recreation.

  • Beach tags

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    Make beach tags mandatory for individuals using the beach; residents and tourists must pay for a seasonal, monthly, weekly or daily beach tags. With the increase of traffic on the sandy part of RB, there's more trash and debris left behind, plus an increase of use in the public facilities, i.e. water. Beach tags will help alleviate expenses and help curb the crowds.

    Staff feedback:

    Thank you for the suggestion. Your idea has been shared with elected officials.

  • Sharrows are little understood by cyclists and drivers

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    Sharrows are little understood by cyclists and drivers which results in a serious safety problem and slowing traffic flow.

    Serious cyclists acknowledge that sharrows are not a solution for cyclist safety or driver awareness. The City should avoid having sharrows replaced as repaving takes place. |

    Staff Feedback:

    Your comment has been shared with our public works director and assistant city manager. When the parking survey closes November 26, it also will be shared with commissioners and our parking study consultants.

  • New Years Eve

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    Would Love the city to launch a NYE activity like they do in so many resort communities. I think it would be a huge success. Like drop a Dolles Taffy something iconic

    Staff Feedback:

    What a fun idea! Of course, it comes with considerations related to staffing and cost. We've shared your idea with key staff and elected officials.

  • Downtown RB has been lacking a grocery store for over 2 years

    Share Downtown RB has been lacking a grocery store for over 2 years on Facebook Share Downtown RB has been lacking a grocery store for over 2 years on Twitter Share Downtown RB has been lacking a grocery store for over 2 years on Linkedin Email Downtown RB has been lacking a grocery store for over 2 years link

    Downtown RB has been lacking a grocery store for over 2 years. Is there anything the city can do to facilitate a grocery in Rehoboth?

    Could the city provide an incentive to potential grocers; institute a co-op system for a grocery; or entice Lingos to reopen. Even with all the obvious negatives of the past management, Lingos market is sorely missed.

    Staff Feedback:

    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. While the city does not generally recruit specific businesses, your comment was shared with our new planning and community development director.

  • Airborne dust and debris from construction demolition

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    Why isn't there a requirement in City Codes that contractors engaged in a demolition project, must take measures to prevent or reduce airborne dust and debris? Ex: demo currently in progress at 315 Laurel: Yesterday the air was full of visible particles dust & dirt from wood, wallboard, concrete, paint, shreds of insulation material, and who knows what else. There's a fine layer of dust over our vehicles, decks, shrubs, etc., not to mention the hazards of breathing this stuff. Today the wind was blowing to the north, so neighbors on Munson got the dust... In other areas, I've seen contractors wet down the debris to reduce the amount of dust flying around. Why isn't that a requirement here in town? With so many demolition projects being approved in the neighborhoods, I think this issue needs to be addressed.

    Staff Feedback:

    I reached out to our public works and building and licensing departments, and there are indeed regulations requiring contractors to minimize dust and debris. Thank you for bringing this particular situation to our attention. We will reach out to the contractor to remind them of the need to minimize dust and debris.

Page last updated: 05 Aug 2024, 03:30 PM