Enhancing the Wilmington/Baltimore Streetscape

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Project Overview

The City of Rehoboth Beach has created a concept to transform the streetscape along the first two blocks of Baltimore and Wilmington avenues. Hoping to build on the vision and success of the Rehoboth Avenue streetscape project undertaken several years ago, this streetscape enhancement project aims to:

  • improve pedestrian and bicycle access and safety
  • enhance the ambiance and aesthetics of the area to support commercial vitality
  • enhance resiliency of some of the city’s key infrastructure by undergrounding utilities

Implementation of streetscape concepts would be phased over a 5- to 7-year period. The city currently is exploring funding options for this significant project.

How You Can Be Involved

Help us understand your priorities by providing your input below. Have a question? Ask it here.

Project Overview

The City of Rehoboth Beach has created a concept to transform the streetscape along the first two blocks of Baltimore and Wilmington avenues. Hoping to build on the vision and success of the Rehoboth Avenue streetscape project undertaken several years ago, this streetscape enhancement project aims to:

  • improve pedestrian and bicycle access and safety
  • enhance the ambiance and aesthetics of the area to support commercial vitality
  • enhance resiliency of some of the city’s key infrastructure by undergrounding utilities

Implementation of streetscape concepts would be phased over a 5- to 7-year period. The city currently is exploring funding options for this significant project.

How You Can Be Involved

Help us understand your priorities by providing your input below. Have a question? Ask it here.

Page last updated: 11 Mar 2024, 02:58 PM