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The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Under Title II of the ADA, municipalities that employ 50 or more people must undertake an ADA self-evaluation and create a transition plan to make accommodations for people with disabilities.
The City of Rehoboth Beach has contracted with the planning, design, and construction management firm JMT to undertake the city's self-assessment and develop a transition plan. The city will initially focus on how effectively its pedestrian network in the public right-of-way complies with ADA requirements. Sidewalks and curb ramps are being assessed in order to determine any barriers that impede access for individuals with disabilities.
As part of this assessment, in accordance with 28 CFR Sec. 35.105(b), the city seeks comments from individuals with disabilities, organizations representing individuals with disabilities, and other stakeholders. Please use the Public Comments tool below to leave information about areas of concern within the City of Rehoboth Beach, suggestions for enhancing accessibility, and accommodation recommendations - particularly as related to pedestrian networks. The opportunity to comment will be open through February 28.
The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Under Title II of the ADA, municipalities that employ 50 or more people must undertake an ADA self-evaluation and create a transition plan to make accommodations for people with disabilities.
The City of Rehoboth Beach has contracted with the planning, design, and construction management firm JMT to undertake the city's self-assessment and develop a transition plan. The city will initially focus on how effectively its pedestrian network in the public right-of-way complies with ADA requirements. Sidewalks and curb ramps are being assessed in order to determine any barriers that impede access for individuals with disabilities.
As part of this assessment, in accordance with 28 CFR Sec. 35.105(b), the city seeks comments from individuals with disabilities, organizations representing individuals with disabilities, and other stakeholders. Please use the Public Comments tool below to leave information about areas of concern within the City of Rehoboth Beach, suggestions for enhancing accessibility, and accommodation recommendations - particularly as related to pedestrian networks. The opportunity to comment will be open through February 28.
Do you have a suggestion of how the city could be more accessible and accommodating to those with disabilities, specifically as it relates to pedestrian facilities (sidewalks, ramps, etc.)? Is there something the city does well in regards to accessibility and accommodations? Share your thoughts to help shape how the City of Rehoboth Beach supports residents and visitors with disabilities.
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